Sunday, January 10, 2010

is it nerds...

My headeche conquer my eye

I cant see any of God toy anymore.....

i feel i starting become one of the nerds...this few days I saw a lot of things that might be related to Nerds....

I dont want..but my mind starting to be busy....
I rater be silent....

i dont want my busy mind conquer my body and even my self..........

lately...i act wired when i'm alone....

my stuff also become wierd...

i want to be diffrent but i dont want be that way....

i want to tell you how its going..

the creature inside my eye...swim hapilly.....

swim to the ocean of eye..

there are so happy to swim...

but its disturbing my mind.....


i saw puppies cloud into my eyes....

How wierd.......

i cant tell you how exactly its......

its wierd...when it come...............

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