Friday, December 11, 2009

conclusion for last last week is looks like i didn't type my blog for a long time...actually i want to type it..but..the internet at my room really2 super n duper suck..

dear my online diary..i want to tell you what happen to me for this few days....

last few days....i cant control my emotion...for few days...i dunno what happen to dark past come back again...I don't want it come again....i feel terrible if i together with it again...okay...i tell u at the story...

if i not mistaken,that was last last the morning...we went to kl,to take the fire hydrant as the sign of the city n develop it...and the afternoon back again to bu to have tutorial with my after the tutorial with Mr n my group discussing about the work and the idea...

so this is the first day of my emotion comeback...when the group discussion dear meng chun make me feel uncomfortable,sensitive and angry to him..i dunno what hapend to me,it is disscusion group,should be no problem if you are agree or not...

but this time i cant stand on emotion come out...bcoz....a lot of time when i argue the idea...he always reject it....come on...whats the point i was in the i can tahan...i go out...and find some ppl to calm down my mind...if i still at there,maybe i could not talk to him anymore..

okay....thats what happend that day..but the nex already ok with him...he start talk to me again...and its okay....

but the next next day come again so disquisting happend and make me want to slap this person (at this time,this person refer to someone but not meng chun,but another classsmate)

okay...i already alot of months become this person classmate..but i still cant merge with this people..
so this person and this person's friends always is act cool at class and its make me disquisting.....last time they dont do such thing....but i enviroment make they behavior change and to respect with people is very low...never reflect them self,and said other ppl is anoying....cheese.....ITS CALL SUCK PPL.....maybe some of you after read this might get angry,suprise and anyother reaction..but i dont is my why u want to read because you busy body....then why i want to post it online...its because of my choice want to post it online...wkwkkwkw............BLLUUEEGGHH....I HATE YOU (chuan.z. 2007,p.kfc) that day he show the bad face to me,like want to scold me...what the hell...i already try to be nice to you all of the time and now you reply to me like this ass hole act....hmm....looks like really bad words and i dont care..but start now on...i wont talk to him....few of my friends already kena by his trick...suck.....but now i belive what my friends said...

huh...really2...kurang haja...wkwkkwkw..........okay..that was my summary of last last week...
for next blog...i will add some story about last week...wkwkwk.....sorry...for being lazy to type this diary....

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