Saturday, December 12, 2009

what i want to all about my life...

haha...i did it again....lazy type and all have to type in one time...

so...let see...i wont talk that long... blog...i want to share to you...last week what a happy days....finally my dad let me move to other place...i cant stay anymore at hostel....the place are small,wet and it dusty...the things make me still stay there is because of the power of make me want to stay longer but i cant tahan it anymore...

i cant do my work as many as i want.....i got no privacy...i want my freedom..and i want my happy feeling when i draw come again to me....i lost this feeling since i make all so serious and i dont let my mind blow it...

so i think,its my time to move on and let my hobby become my world all the time...wo...i will move to taman sri mawar...but KBU hostel management really2 take people money..yarrrgghhh......example.the electricity bill is 30....when you share...u should give to kbu 15 bugs,rite...but they take it 30 bugs each of us..WTH....okay..i dont care...but the things is...i should notice one month earlier to out of hostel

so i notice on 10 of december,i said i really2 out at 31st december...and that brandson said "you can move earlier but we still charge you untill 10 of december..."REALY2....arrrrgh......want me move out faster and still charge me extra money.

huh.......realy2 snake and mice at the longkang.........hhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh before i move i already plan how my rooms lookslike....and it blow my mind...cant sleep with it...

okay2.....step away from work still alot...i still have to do my own part....i think i start lazy to going to stop for a while..later i will continue it..ehhehe........

1 comment:

  1. be critical to yourself, but not of your friends. be satisfied with your situation, but not with your learning. please update your blog more on the project. good to see your improvement lately keep it up :)sean
